Is Amazon Prime worth it?

I'm a big fan of Prime. In case you're not familiar with it, here's the official blurb:

What is Amazon Prime?

For £7.99/month, Amazon Prime members can:

  • Access unlimited, FREE One-Day Delivery on millions of items and same-day delivery in select residential postcodes
  • Enjoy unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows, through Prime Video
  • Read as much as they want from a rotating selection of more than a thousand books, recent magazine issues, comics, Kindle singles and more, on any device at any time
  • Securely store an unlimited amount of photos with anywhere access through Prime Photos
  • Listen to over two million songs on Prime Music
  • Get exclusive, early access to daily Lightning Deals


For the impatient and the impetuous amongst us, Prime is an absolute must have.

I don't remember the last time I swiped the order button and my goods didn't arrive the following day. I sometimes order multiple times per day and somehow it always seems to arrive the same time, next day. Magic.

Not just tech stuff either.

I once managed to bag £1200 worth of tyres (Pilot Super Sports) for £276. It was a bit weird explaining to my landlord why there were four tyres stacked up in the dining room but I think he got it.

Apparently, I get 3 quid if you use this link for the free trial:

Chop! Chop! :)